PCR-cDNA Sequencing Kit

This kit is highly recommended for users who:

  • have a limited amount of input material
  • want to optimise their sequencing experiment for throughput
  • would like to identify and quantify full-length transcripts
  • are interested in differential gene expression
  • want to characterise and quantify isoforms, splice variants and fusion transcripts


Key features:

Prep time

165 minutes

Input amount

1 ng poly-A+ or 50 ng total RNA

Read length

Enriched for full-length cDNA

Typical throughput

7-12+ million full-length mapped reads in 48 hours per flow cell on MinION/GridION; 50+ million mapped reads in 48 hours per flow cell on PromethION


Taking full-length PolyA+ RNA, complementary strand synthesis and strand switching are performed using kit-supplied oligonucleotides. dscDNA is then generated by PCR amplification using primers that contain 5’ tags which facilitate the ligase-free attachment of Rapid Sequencing Adapters.